Me and a good friend of mine recently went for a bit of a photo mission. Our early ideas were to head out east to the grimy parts of London and see what we could find. Turns out that we didn't make it that far as we got rather taken by the London City (The Square Mile) architecture. I personally am not overly blown away by English architecture as I think it can lack imagination however there is a periodic anomaly or blip in the blandness. Cases in point are buildings like London St Pancras Train Station, The Houses of Parliament including the stunning Big Ben (which is actually St Stephens Tower - it's just the clock that is Big Ben) and the Millennium Wheel. They, and a few others, make for an interesting break from the endless lines of samey buildings, the likes of which are commonly seen at the start of East Enders
The end result were some photos that I rather enjoyed taking. All the shots were taken with a Nikon D80 using a Sigma 10-20mm lens and a Cokin P ND Grad filter. More of my photos can be found on my
Flickr site.
Shakespeare Tower - Barbican

30 Cannon Street

The Lloyds Building

A random Building around London Wall
Great photos just wondered you must have been out early or at the weekend to get the photos of the Lloyds Building as the last time i was up there in the week it was pretty busy